Hangman 1 & 2 Player

Start Game by clicking either the One or Two player options.

The One Player option will give you a random category and word, which you will have to solve youself, and the two player option will let you select the category and word for a friend to play.

How to Play

The goal of the hangman is to figure out the hidden word before the stick figure is hung, or in this case until you run out of guesses. Participants guess letters to help identify the word, when correct they will become closer to solving it. And when wrong, we will be that much closer to losing. They have the option to play alone or collaboratively. The game proceeds until the players exit the word correctly or exhaust their guesses, leading to the stick figure's execution. When you guess a letter correctly you will be shown that part of the word, giving you hints for the next guess.  For example: If I guess a "p" and the word is "Apple" you will be shown "_pp___" which will help you figure out the remaining letters of "A", "L", and "E". Some other tidbits of information you might need to know is that there are hints in the form of categories, like "movies" or "NBA players" and you can also create your own in Two Player mode. One Plater mode is where you are presented with a random word and have to guess it, and two-player is when one person chooses the category and word, whilst the other person has to guess it. Overall it is mostly self-explanatory, Good Luck!!!