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An Unfair Game!

Build: 1.0.1

Developers Note:

This game is intended to be balanced to the point of it being unfair, it is supposed to be punishing. I do not expect any of you to win on the first run, or even the fifth, for that matter. And neither shoud you, the player, so don't come crying to me about it being unfair unless its completely unplayable.

Building a game like this has been a long-time desire of mine, to make something unfair, yet balanced. And this course game me an excuse to do so, so I did. The "lore" and descriptions take "minor" inspiration from a few sources, such as Glitch Productions show: "Murder Drones" (NUzi for life, btw).

Oh and there may be a few typos, not my fault, I typed most of this very fast.

- The Dev, singular.